
Wuxi Gotele Metal Products Co., Ltd : CN EN

Aluminum grade: 5056, 5154, etc

Diameter: 0.12-5.25mm

Tensile strength: 220-345 Mpa


The major composition of Al-Mg alloy wire is aluminum. A small amount of magnesium is added to enhance the strength. With excellent anti-corrosion property, light weight, 

low density, good heat radiation and strong resistance to pressure, it can meet requirement of 3C products, which demand for high integration, miniaturization, electromagnetic 

shielding, etc. Its hardness is several times bigger than glass wire, but the weight is only 1/3. Now it is widely used in waterproof and shielding layer of cable or outer conductor 

of AN. 

Specification of Aluminum Magnesium Alloy Wire (Al-Mg Alloy Wire):
Aluminum grade: 5056, 5154, etc. 
Diameter: 0.12-5.25mm
Tensile strength: 220-345 Mpa
Electrical resistivity: ≤0.054 V. mm2/m 
Elongation at break: ≥6%
Surface treatment: oxidized
Storage and transportation, according to GB3199, it shall be stored in dry and clean warehouse, get rid of heat source exceed 37℃

Packaging of Round Enameled Aluminum Wire:

Wuxi Gotele Metalare packed and labeled according to the regulations and customer's requests.

Great care is taken to avoid any damage which might be caused during storage or transportation.

In addition, clear labels are tagged on the outside of the packages for easy identification of the product I. D. and quality information.

1)SMC Standard


Application of Aluminum Magnesium Alloy Wire (Al-Mg Alloy Wire):

1. Used to braid wire as flexible cord for connection of electric device and electrical equipment.

2. Used in shied wired tube to prevent electric wave.

3. Used in various kind of CATV coaxial cable, RF cable, date cable, computer cable and electronic magnetic cable etc.

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