
Wuxi Gotele Metal Products Co., Ltd : CN EN
Nickel 200

Equivalent Designations: UNS N02200, DIN W. Nr. 2.4060, 2.4066

Products Discription:
Nickel 200 (UNS N02200/W.Nr. 2.4060 & 2.4066) is commercially pure (99.6%) wrought nickel. It has good mechanical properties and excellent resistance to many corrosive environments. Other useful features of the alloy are its magnetic and magnetostrictive properties, high thermal and electrical conductivities, low gas content and low vapor pressure. 
The corrosion resistance of Nickel 200 makes it particularly useful for maintaining product purity in the handling of foods, synthetic fibers, and caustic alkalies; and also in structural applications where resistance to corrosion is a prime consideration.
Equivalent designations
UNS N02200
DIN W. Nr. 2.4060, 2.4066

Chemical composition

Physical properties


Nickel 200 is commercially pure wrought nickel. It is highly resistant to various reducing chemicals. It can also be used in oxidizing conditions that cause the formation of a passive oxide film, for instance its unexcelled resistance to caustic alkalis. Nickel 200 is limited to service at temperatures below 315℃, because at higher temperatures it suffers from graphitization which results in severely compromised properties. In that circumstance, Nickel 201 is used instead. It has a high Curie temperature and good magnetostrictive properties. Its thermal and electrical conductivities are higher than nickel alloys.


Useful for applications where maintaining product purity is considered such as handling of caustic alkalis, foods and synthetic fibers; electrical and electronic parts; aerospace and missile components; and chemical storage and shipping tanks.

1. Food processing equipment, salt refining equipment.

2. Mining and marine mining.

3. Equipment required for the manufacture of industrial sodium hydroxide at high temperatures below 300 ° C.

4. Production of organic or inorganic chlorides and fluorides: resistance to chlorine and fluorine gases.

5. Nickel200 is a very low carbon content of pure commercial nickel, has been approved for service up to 300 ℃ in high temperature environment

上一篇:Nickel 201
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