
Wuxi Gotele Metal Products Co., Ltd : CN EN
Highway Guardrail Plate for Cable Guardrail

Two-wave(mm): 4320×310×85×3/4


Three-wave(mm): 4320×506×85×3/4


Anti-collision grade: A/B/SA/SB/SS 


    Cable guardrail, known as cable barrier, is the mainly type of flexible highway fences for keeping vehicles within correct way. 

Three or four high tensile wire ropes are mounted on the post, which is able to absorb the maximum energy by flexing to cushion 

the unavoidable impact. Comparing to other steel highway guardrail, this one is relatively cheaper and easy to install with high 


Product Description:

Product Name:2016 End Anchor Block for 2&3 lines cable guardrail
Steel Grade:Q235 steel etc
Tensile Strength:1370MPa,1570MPa, 1670MPa, 1770MPa ,1870MPa ,1960MPa, 2160MPa
Cable Structure:3x7 18mm, 3x7 19mm
Application:Highway construction, Road Safety, cable guardrail systems, highway guardrail, road barrier, highway cable barrier, highway crash barrier,roadside cable guardrail

Regular Size of Highway Guardrail Plate:
Corrugated steel plate: Two-wave: 4320mm×310mm×85mm×3/4mm

Upright column for two-wave: 114/140mm×4.5mm×height

Three-wave: 4320mm×506mm×85mm×3/4mm

Upright column for three-wave: 130mm×6mm×height, 140mm×4.5mm×height

Anti-collision grade: A/B/SA/SB/SS
Material of Highway Guardrail Plate:
Galvanized Steel & Prepainted Galvanized Steel
1.Two-wave Corrugated Steel        2. Three-wave Corrugated Steel       3. Prepainted Corrugated Steel

A set of road guard rail consists of: corrugated steel plate, upright column, cap of column and bracket.

Details about Cables:

The cable barriers are manufactured with 3×7 high tensile steel cables (steel wire ropes), the two most commonly used today are 18mm &19mm 3X7 steel cables. A 3x7 steel wire rope has three strands, each strand is made up of 7 identical wire ropes wound around a center.Meanwhile the wire ropes are galvanized for keeping the cable free of corrosion and rusting.

End of 3x7 cable


Cross section of 3x7 cable

Construction site

Technical parameters:

Construction & Lays:

The term lay refers to the direction of the twist of the wires in a strand and to the direction that the strandsare laid in the rope.

The four  types of lays used in wire rope are as follows: 

● Right Hand Ordinary/Regular Lay  (RHRL)       

● Left Hand Ordinary/Regular Lay  (LHRL)

● Right Hand Langs Lay  (RHLL)                           

● Left Hand Langs Lay  (LHLL)


Mainly producing process: The cable barriers are manufactured with 3×7 high tensile steel cables (steel wire ropes), the two most commonly used today are 18mm &19mm 3X7 steel cables. 3x7 steel wire rope has three strands, each strand is made up of 7 identical wire ropes wound around a center.Meanwhile the wire ropes are galvanized for keeping the cable free of corrosion and rusting.when the buyer received cable guardrail,they just need install it rightly.

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