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The world’s fastest car just got faster

The Tesla Model S, the world’s fastest-accelerating car has just received an upgrade and will soon be able to go 1/10 of a second quicker. The upgrade will enable the car to go from 0-60mph in just 2.4 seconds, making it officially the quickest production car in the world; previously this title was held jointly with some of the biggest brand names such as Ferrari, Bugatti and Porsche. 
Tesla Motors Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk teased the update in a tweet on Wednesday—but there’s a twist. When the changes are delivered wirelessly next month to all P100D Model S vehicles, the owners will have to figure out how to enable it. It’s what’s known in the tech industry as an “Easter Egg”—a hidden feature that requires a specific series of gestures to unlock.
Previous Tesla Easter eggs have changed the car’s displays, but this is the first time one will alter performance. For example, accessing the service login from the car’s 17-inch touchscreen and entering access code “007” transforms the Model S graphic on the vehicle’s control panel into James Bond's submersible Lotus from the 1977 movie The Spy Who Loved Me. (Musk bought the Lotus for $1 million and says he plans to make it functional some day.)   

Remarkably, it would appear Tesla have not yet fully unleashed their already explosive car.

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